Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

02 2008


Oh yeah, I lost my phone. If you’d like me to add you to my contact list, please leave me your phone number/email here….or not, I cant imagine how it could possibly make a difference. I guess you could always send me a text message to my phone directly eh? 571 7233374 and remember to reference your name cuz otherwise I wont know and stuff.
I hope you people are having a better day or something.

4 Responses to “215”

  1. Wow – looks like karma is not really working in your favor. You should have kept one of the 1092834819 phones you’ve found over the past week.

  2. karma is mad that you peed on the glorious streets in manitou ivan…

  3. Naww but at least I know those who would like for me to contact them. Cheers.

  4. whatever dude, i left that before i went to bed last night. i’ll send you a damn text message AND pay the 10 cents to do it!

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