Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

23  05 2006

Of all the things I can complaint, I can find the dumbest shit to complaint about

I dont think there is an extremity in my body that does not have a fresh or a very recent bruise on it; however painful as they might sometimes be, I dont really give a shit about them, yet I find that this developing callous on the bottom of my right wrist is annoying the hell out of me. I suppose I could always top typing on my laptop, there is no other reason I can think to explain the source of this callous baaah. I am bored

4 Responses to “Of all the things I can complaint, I can find the dumbest shit to complaint about”

  1. callous…wrist….. blame it on the laptop!!! Nice try Biff, we all know what that’s really from.

    Hey you’re in Virginie aren’t you? I be going to Norfolk in July. What’s to do there?

  2. the correct answer is: get hit on by sailors!

  3. What is your email addres NOW! The one I had bounced! I should kill you! It’s party time beotch!

  4. I am far too lazy to use vowels ooookay

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