Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

04 2002

Who loves you Maria?

U know I am sitting here and I am supposed to take some pictures for you but there really aint shit here that is actually interesting to take a picture of….And I think that given the circumstances I dont think I am going to be able to take any pictures at all tonite, I did come with the intentions of taking pictures just so I can later send them to ya and amuse you, cause you know thats what I was born to do. I think I ma take a picture of Andy and Rob, heheh I just remember rob got kicked out of the club we are going to tonite a few weeks ago…. he is a nice guy but he run into a bouncer and the bouncer was a dick so he got thrown out, later the bartender had to go and talk to the bouncer so he can be let back in….. okay baby we are leaving now… talk to you later.
ps: luv ya 🙂

4 Responses to “Who loves you Maria?”

  1. motherfucker, take a picture of me

  2. go get em 🙂

  3. i <3 you 😀

  4. YT!

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