Rants Of A Lazy Mexican

13  03 2008


So this past monday I went to alexandria hospital and I spent about 3 hours there. I am not sure what it is about hospitals and I but everytime I go to a hospital I see people that have recently died, a “fresh” dead body if you will. I must’ve been in there for no more than 10 seconds before seeing my first dead body. I spent about six hours at the hospital on tuesday and this time I didnt enter the hospital through the emergency exit, I was trying to avoid having to run into yet another dead body, no dice!!! I saw a dead body like within ten minutes of my stay there on tuesday. Wednesday I was so fucking sick I didnt even get outta bed. I spent the entire day on the couch only to leave the house to get some Pho, I wanted something hot and with lots of calories so that I can somehow be able to fight this sickness a bit better. I was barely able to eat the meat and the broth, I couldnt stomach eating the noodles, I did however managed to eat all the bean sprouts and a shit load of jalapenos. I think I slept most of the day yesterday, never really aware of what was going on around me, never really unaware that for some reason I had decided to keep the tv on. The one thing that bothered me the most yesterday was the fact that I was cold, now if you know me you’d know that I am NEVER cold. I was wearing thermal underwear, a pair of jeans, a wicking shirt, a sweater, and my jacket, and I was covering myself with a wool throw; yet I was fucking cold still. I was cold yet I was sweating but it wasnt like normal sweat it was cold sweat. I kept having to get up and turn on the electric kettle so that i can make myself some green tea with lime. I must’ve had like six of those yesterday. At one point I forgot how many pills I had taken the entire day so I went and had some more, then a few hours later I got up and had some more because I once again had forgotten that I had already taken some earlier….When all was said and done, I think I had nearly 3 times the dosage that the doctor said I was allowed to have. I mustered up enough energy to leave the couch and go to my bed around midnight and I started to watch the prisoner of azkabahn, it was the one movie already in my dvd player, and I didnt even watch the movie. I think I fell asleep within ten minutes into the movie. Sleeping was great and not so great, but let me tell you why! it was great to get some real sleep; however it wasnt very nice to wake up every 3 hours and realize that I was cold, I had a fever, and I had only slept for a few hours, it made me wish I had some sorta crazy sleep agent that I could use!! you would’ve thought that with the amount of shit i accidently took I would’ve either be half dead and/or had a heart attack either way I would’ve slept better. I am going to the hospital again today, hopefully this time I dont have to stay there for long. I might even grow some cojones and say hi to the nurse on the second floor, unit 24, maybe not!!!! I need to shower, I need to clean my house, I need to do laundry, I need I need I need uhmm yeeeeaaaaaah I need to not be sick

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